Jesus Knows

We have just returned from an amazing conference in Nashville, Tennessee with about 7,000 other Christian Counselors, Pastors, and Lay People. We were all there to become better equipped to minister to those in our areas of influence. A funny thing happens when that many like-minded, Christian people get together; you get ministered to as … More Jesus Knows

Empty Nests

Every year at the start of Spring, birds take advantage of every nook and cranny of our home to build nests. Soon after the nests are completed, we start to hear the chirps of precious, little birds filling those skillfully crafted homes. Those little birdies chirp & make messes. The momma birds seem to fly … More Empty Nests

Storm Warning

Summer has arrived with its heat, humidity, frizzy hair days and sunburned skin ( I am a red-head, the struggle is real). Along with the heat comes unexpected thunderstorms. We all have differing opinions about these storms. Some of us love the sound, smell, and refreshment of the unexpected rain. Others view these as nuisances, … More Storm Warning

Social Media Does Not Always Portray Reality ( Observations for the Day After Mother’s Day )

Please sit down as you are reading the next statement : our social media accounts do not always portray the totality of who we are. Now that you have regained consciousness by the sheer shock of that statement, I would like to explain myself. Today is the day after Mother’s Day. By looking at my … More Social Media Does Not Always Portray Reality ( Observations for the Day After Mother’s Day )

Got Talent?

We live in a culture that seems to be obsessed with talent- popular TV shows glorify those with singing, dancing, or various skills. Most of us watch in awe as gifted people perform and think, “If I could perform like THAT, I would be somebody!” God’s word addresses talents, gifts from our Creator that have … More Got Talent?

Needless Baggage

Do you see this innocent looking, yet enormous bag? It is big, bulky and weighs more than a bag full of toddlers. Everyday, I pick up this gigantic bag ( the picture really doesn’t do it justice), carry it to my car, load it up, drive to my office, take the bag out, work with … More Needless Baggage