Got Talent?

We live in a culture that seems to be obsessed with talent- popular TV shows glorify those with singing, dancing, or various skills. Most of us watch in awe as gifted people perform and think, “If I could perform like THAT, I would be somebody!”

God’s word addresses talents, gifts from our Creator that have been bestowed on each and every human being on planet Earth. The “Courtnay summary” of Matthew 25:14-30 goes like this (however I would encourage you to read it directly from the Word) : A man called his servants to him and entrusted them each with a portion of his money, or talents. He gave one five talents, another two talents, and the third one talent, each according to how they could handle it. The first man with the most talents went to work and doubled the money! Second man with two talents went to work and doubled his money! The third man took his money, dug a hole in the ground, and kept what was given to him ( seems really safe to me…).

The master returns, after a long time, to see how his servants have handled what he entrusted to them. The master is super happy with guy number one and says, “You have been awesome- you get more stuff now!” Same story with guy number two- happy servant, happy master, more blessings. Man number three had quite a different story to tell. Matthew 25:24 tells his explanation, ‘Master,’ he said, ‘I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed.  So I was afraid and went out and hid your gold in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.’ Do you know the master’s reply to this man? His master called him , “wicked, lazy, and worthless.” Wow. He may have thought he was keeping what was given to him safe, but that is not what the master thought…at all.

This story made me think about me and the people in my life. See, we all have talents given to us by our Master and Creator, God himself. Each one is gifted according to what can be handled well. It is our job to invest what God has given us into this world. This world needs your unique talent. You may say that you don’t have any talent. I disagree and so does God. Some have the gift of speaking, teaching, leading, singing, playing instruments and providing guidance. Others have the gift of hospitality, loving the unlovable, caring for children, or being able to bring laughter to a sad world. Talents are as unique as we each are. Just like our fingerprints, we each have a special set of gifts for this world.  Just like the man that buried his gold in the ground out of fear of what may happen or what others may think, we force the world to miss out on the talent that God placed in you.

Trust me on this one; this world needs YOU. God created you and me for such a time as this. We all have a part in the body of Christ, all of us. As we use the talents that God has given us, we may be surprised to find that our abilities grow, and grow, and grow. See God isn’t looking for perfection; He is looking for obedience. 1 Samuel 15:22 teaches, “Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the LORD? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

Today, I want to encourage you to use what you have for God’s glory. Jesus Christ is coming back. It may be today or it may a hundred years from now. When I see Him, I want to hear, as the first two men in the parable did, ” Well done, good and faithful servant!” The answer to the question, “got talent?”, is a resounding YES! Ask God to help you use yours for His glory today.

Courtnay Aycock

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