Sowing Seeds

Sowing seeds is not a subject that most of us think about often. We are blessed to live in a country where food is just a short car ride away. Rarely do we think about the farmer that woke up at the crack of dawn, plowed the ground, sowed the seeds, prayed for the correct … More Sowing Seeds

Internal Bleeding

We have all heard the phrase ” internal bleeding”. I have known people to suffer from internal bleeding as a result of an accident, a fall, or a car crash. I am no medical professional, but I think it is normally caused by trauma. The tricky thing about internal bleeding is that it can be … More Internal Bleeding


SEX. Yep. I just said it in front of God and everybody. I feel like the world at large has a great deal to say about the subject of sex. We live in a sex-saturated culture. ( What does a half-naked girl have to do with an oil filter anyway?!) Advertising, commercials, magazines, social media- … More Sex


I was reading in the book of Ezekiel ( Chapter 13 to be exact) this morning. This chapter is dealing with false prophets. Verse 3 says “Woe to foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing.” Following our own spirit has gotten many of us in a heap of trouble. Proverbs 14:12 … More Whitewash


Maybe it’s just me. There are an awful lot of life’s situations, circumstances, (and honestly  people) that flat out leave me speechless. We seem to find ourselves living in a period of time that is unprecedented, at least in my lifetime. The spiritual warfare seems to have hit a new level, as if a new … More Speechless